Sunday, June 19, 2011

Closet Artist

Okay....confession!  I'm still a closet artist.  Why is that?  Why is it that I just can't come out to the world and say, "Hey, this is what I do!  This is who I am!"  I get a high from what I do, and love to talk to people about it.

For Father's Day, we went to Steveston Market and hung around for a little bit going from booth to booth seeing what people are growing and making.  Another confession, I get a kick out of going into some of the photographers booths.  I love to see what other people are shooting and selling.  Not only to see what other people see through their lens, but also to find out what other people are selling.  One day, I would love to have the balls to sit out in the elements every Sunday from May to September trying to flog my 'art' to Joe Public.....but, I am still too chicken.  You see, the other side to this....and this is going to sound really bad, but I don't get it.  I don't get what pushes people to buy some art.  It is not for me to understand, though it is not always my 'style'.  You see, I get thrills from images that I would love to blow up, frame, and hang on my wall!  I don't want to blow up and hang three quarters of what I see being sold at these markets across BC.  Sorry, no disrespect for those artists out there.  The sad part is this....they sell their images, I don't.  Part in the fact that I am not out there flogging my 'masterpieces', and I think that if people are buying all this other art, they are not going to buy mine!!  And then there he was!  Rick (irony in the name as that is what I was to be named.....I was supposed to be a boy).  I walked around the corner and said to my husband, "now, that is my style"!  He has the same eye as me.  I would hang his images in my house!  And, dah dah dah, he was a closet artist too up until about two months ago!!  After talking to him for a little bit, I had to chase after my family and take a call, but I grabbed one of his business cards and dropped a line in the hopes that maybe HE can pull me out of my closet.....keep your eyes peeled......I may be out of here yet!

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