Monday, May 4, 2009


There was a time in my life not too long ago when I had amazing opportunities to throw lavish dinners as fundraiser for the BC Children's Hospital and Tofino General Hospital... then I moved and went to school and had another child. I raised $15,000 a dinner (totally about $60,000 in the end)... and boy did that feel good handing over all that money for such great causes!!

That bug is still in me. My husband and I think about what it is that we can do to provide a little extra cash to these great foundations. I personally have been a patient at both hospitals.... Tofino is where I was born, and endured a couple of overnight visits there over the years.... and BC Children's Hospital is where I underwent corrective back surgery and was a patient for a number of years.

It was during a recent leisure evening where I came across a European article about some fundraising ideas that have taken place.... and it struck me... I could do that here. Then about a couple of minutes ago, I made it official via the wonderful Craigslist!! I put an announcement in there. Oh my goodness.... am I ready... darned right I am... and soo excited! You see, this is what I am going to do..... my services for a discounted rate to you, with the funds going to BC Children's Hospital. What a concept.

Here are some great photo opportunities to consider:
-family shots
-stylist merchandise shots
-use your imagination.... I do shy away a little bit from the erotica shots, though there are some tasteful nude shots that I have done (no I am not going to publish them)!!

Wow... the world is your oyster (and mine to photograph)... and who wins?? You and the kids!! I am soooo stoked about this. I couldn't fall asleep last night as the thoughts went around and around in my head!!

Well, what are you waiting for? Call all your family and friends and let them know what I am up to. Get them to call me at 604.817.7056 to book a session. Are you a fellow photographer and get on my bandwagon.... lets go.... lets make this happen!! The telethon is the first weekend of June... we don't have much time left!!

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