Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Beginnings.....

It's official, I'm a blogger. Well, a blogger in the making. We'll see how it works out for me.

For those of you who really know me, know that I have been playing around with art since I was about three. I have very vivid memories of drawing three dimensional coffee cups at my grandparents house in Kyuquot.... when we weren't swimming with Charlie the seal.

Something happened along the way and I have spent the last many years doing what I call 'closet art'. I play around with many mediums, but none enough to be able to speak the lingo! I have a portfolio full of both completed and partially completed pieces... and only recently gotten over some very personal hurdles and even gone so far as to hang some of my pieces in my home.

This is where the story becomes funny.... the beginnings of my photographic ability.

I recently found a pile of photos that I have hauled around with me across the country and back again... unwilling to part with them due to the lesson that they hold. The majority of the photos that I had been taking were done on a simple point and shoot (good enough for an awkward teenager)... though when I thought that I wanted to spread my wings and try a little bit more artsy shots, I borrowed my mom's manual film camera. This was going to be my big opportunity to really show everyone what I had to offer. I found the perfect location, with the perfect lighting and started shooting. I think that I had polished off about two rolls of film when I finally called it quits and took them in to get developed. When I received them back, I was mortified... they didn't turn out. The lighting was great, the composition was great... but they were all blurry. This just couldn't be..... it wasn't until days later I finally realized what I had been doing. Looking through the viewfinder was a little troublesome with my glasses on... so, I foolishly put them on top of my head and started focussing the lens to the needs of my eye.... and what came out on film was what was originally focussed in the viewfinder but in reality a blurry image (should you ever want to see what my vision is really like.... take a look at these photos, what a hoot!) When I finally got the courage to pick up a camera again, I made sure that I had everything in automatic focus... this way it does not matter if I have my glasses or my sunglasses on, the photos will have a better chance at turning out.

Well, with all caution thrown to the wind... I am publicizing my first piece of work. Please feel free to let me know all your thoughts..... though please cushion the bad ones!!

Until I write again!!

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