Sunday, January 31, 2010

When you have lost your way.... go home!

Well, there have been a number of times that I have lost my direction since the move to Vancouver. There is something that is really unsettling about being here and I sometimes wonder if it is the hussle and that bussle that is making me so unsure of myself.... or the shear amount of talent that surrounds me. But, as I look to my inner being and mentally 'go home' to my paradise I seem to have the ability to ground myself! I understand that everyone has talent and to each there own. We all own our own style and we must continue looking within to ensure that we are following our dreams, hopes and aspirations. We must not 'sell out' to a different being only to discover in retrospect that we have lost our way completely! Know what it is that you are going after... write it down.... post it on your wall/fridge where you are going to see it every day and strive to achieve it! I may not be the best though I am my best!